Please inform your servers of any allergies before ordering food or drinks.
All pizzas come with our mozzarella / brick cheese blend and take anywhere from 20-45 minutes to cook.
Smalls are 4 slices and larges are 8 slices - most people are full after 2!
Most pizzas are available as vegetarian / vegan / gluten-free ($+4.50). Vegan cheese is $1 for smalls and $2 for larges - ask your server for details! We also have halal pepperoni available!
Please note that large groups of 8 or more will have an auto-gratuity of 18% automatically applied to their bill.
Please inform your server of any allergies before ordering - all drink ingredients are listed but may contain unlisted garnishes.
Click here for our rum list! Not finished adding them so keep checking back!
Like your mug? Check out the merch section below to see which ones we currently have for sale!
Enjoyed your time here? Take home a souvenir! Ask your server for details.